Help save Groby’s scenic views

The neighbourhood plan may seek to protect scenic views important to the community.

Do you have a favourite scenic view in or around Groby Parish? If you do, the Groby Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group would like to know about it!

Send us photographs or artwork of views important to you. They might be looking out from Groby Parish to the distance, looking in to Groby Parish from a distance, or looking within Groby Parish. Let us know what is in the view, what is special about the view, and from where the photographs were taken.

Your choice of views will help guide development of our neighbourhood plan and protect the important areas of Groby Parish.

Submit your photos online

Alternatively, you can submit your answers by post to: Groby Council Offices, Village Hall, Groby, Leicester LE6 0DQ using the reference "Important Views" at the top of your letter.

Send your submissions by 25 May 2021 and we will publish some of the results in June 2021.

Help Shape the Future of Groby Parish

To find out more and see how you can help, visit us online at or write to Groby Council Offices, Village Hall, Groby, Leicester LE6 0DQ or call 0116 287 6985 for further information.