Priorities update

Dear resident,

Thank you for signing up to Neighbourhood Link and I hope this update finds you all well.

We have had an excellent response so far. Your feedback has helped us identify particular areas of focus on this beat.

This will be around –

Anti-Social Behaviour – Folville Rise
Nuisance Motorbikes – Braunstone Park
Noise – Folville Rise

You will see an increased policing presence in the area over the next few weeks.

What you have told us has helped shape our priorities for this beat. My colleagues and I will keep you up-to-date on our progress.

If you have any further feedback, questions or concerns, please contact us at or say hello when we you see us on the street.

Of course, please remember you can report crime online at or call 101. Please dial 999 in an emergency.

Thank you again for your support.

Sgt 2107 Nick Golden
West Leicester NPA

*** Please do not reply directly to this message. Please contact Leicestershire Police either on line or by calling 101 **